Khamis, 20 Januari 2011

Dont Be Sad Nor Too Happy


I'm currently studying Don't Be Sad book which is a top seller around the globe..

And i know why it does..

Dlm buku tu ade byk sgt motivational tips related to our religion..

Aku tawu psl buku ni pn dr blog Jamilah Azhar..Thanks to u Jamie..

Before i study the book, i was wandering inside the mosque trying to find a book to read..

Err ade byk kitab tafsir tp ilmu x tggi..

Bce kang laen plak aku tafsir kang..

Then aku ternmpk bku Dont Be Sad dkt2 slh satu rak..

Aku pn amik la bace smntara nk mnggu waktu isyak..
Then,I realized..
This book is so beautifully crafted..
I try to applied things taught in the book and it does work..
Dlm buku ni ade section yg eplain psl mrh n dendam..
Lame tol aku belek bab tu..
And my temper kind of lesser and lesser now..
Buku ni tebal gak n aku x smpai stgh g pn..
I'm going to keep on reading..
Because knowledge about Islam is never enough..

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


I totally suck in grammar so sorry if there are many errors in my story.. :p

SInce we was a child,our parents always told us to make the right decision..

Hang with the right person so you will turned out to be a good man..

I've come to one big intersection in my life..

I'm the guy who always makes the wrong decision..


I've changed..

I think i'm a wiser man now..

I analyze all the things around me and see how things can be perfectly solved without nerve wrecking situation..


I'm afraid i'm gonna made a wrong decision AGAIN!!!

If got tonnes of question to answer before i make my decision..

Let me reveal some of the questions:

1)Is there any love left or a relationship like this bound to responsibility??

2)Can i search someone better??

3)If i found someone better,can she hold me down for i'm a ticking time bomb??

4)Karma is going to hit me back or not if i left her??

5)Am i going to have better future without her??

I'm still thinking and weighing the best option..
Hope Allah give me signs and lead me out of this mind boggling rpoblem..

Selasa, 4 Januari 2011

How life make fun of us..

Aku rase mcm hidup aku start time umo 18..
Time start TESL mcm dark ages aku nk matang..
But i never regret it..
One of the best moments in my life kot..
Tp da msuk degree kt uitm sri iskandar da mcm main event..
Point where every decision is important..
No room for errors..
I had no errors left..
I got back on track and lancing on the dean list..
Aku mmg laen la dr Ridzuan setaun lepas..
Dr someone yg fully worshiping American Culture to someone who knew things best..
Aku dlu cam x de agama..
Prngai mcm syaitan..
Seb baek tansfer dtg sni..
Classmate aku seb baek ok..
Aku terselamat while there is more who are drifting way far from their tracks..
Aku da mcm freaks pn ade..
Aku kejap lyn Asking Alexandria..
Kejap dgr Slam..
Tp skrg aku dgr je pape yg sdap..
Watpe nk dgr satu jenis lagu sdgkan byk g lagu2 sedap..
Lagu ni mcm makanan..
X kan hari2 nk mkn ayam..
Byk g lauk sedap..
But not all things leh ckp camtu..
Love for example..
Aku da byk tgk hbgn crash and burn..
I tried to save mine..
Tp ssh..
It's really hard..
Distance does make an impact..
The hardest thing i the world is to be loyal..
To be honest,yeah i do text the other girl but i never asked them to be my girlfriend..
Biar la..
Kapel2 ni pn wat ape..
Blm tentu jd isteri..
I got almost nothing left..
Juz a few buddy,an I-POD,my bike and my family..
My life feels like a joke..
Hold on..
I'm coming fast to the peak..